Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pancake Debacle

I made the pancakes. I had made them before with my family and they had turned out pretty well, delicious, just a hint of vanilla. It was perfection in a pancake unlike ones I had tried before that were too eggy, these ones had been great, but I reiterate I made them with my family. And it may just be me but I always find my parents' cooking so much better then my own. So let's just say the pancakes were a complete and utter disaster. The batter was too runny, the things wouldn't cook, and then when they were finally ready to flip the batter just flowed everywhere. It was insane, they I got one omelet like one, 2 that were very, very flat pancakes and then I thought to myself maybe it is the size of frying pan I am using. So I poured in the rest of the batter to coat the bottom. The worst idea yet. I tried flipping and there was so much runny batter that I just flipped have uncooked batter into the uncooked batter and the uncooked batter just spread across the opening I had made. Those 3 (I cut it into thirds) turned into something along the consistency of mashed potatoes. And while the pancakes were strange looking my spatula was caked in half cooked pancake mix. I know doesn't sound appetizing. I did think to myself well I have to eat something so I tried them. They tasted alright but I did end up throwing most of them away. After talking to my mom we decided that maybe I should try them again but leave the batter for longer so it sets because the recipe mentions that it is suppose to thicken (mine didn't) and maybe use a smaller pan. If I decide to make them again, I'll let you know, but I seriously warn if you are an amateur cooker don't try these just yet.
Have a lovely rainy day.
-Photo Alley

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