Thursday, October 7, 2010

Misery loves company

I start this blog with the fact that it always seems that misery loves company. See I haven't written in a while and it all started when I was feeling sick and then I started worrying about my portfolio, with this worry I let the program get the best of me and I found myself sitting on my bed in a funk, forgetting everything I had to do and just lying there watching movies crocheting. It seems weird but I would have to say when I get into a photography create funk, usually caused by my constant worry about how little time I have these year for all my images and ideas, I find crocheting and quilting very lethargic. It just makes me forget about everything and just be. It may be the fact that I count all my rows instead of using a marker or maybe it is just the repetitive stitch over and over again. It may also be the combination of both, you know the repeating and the counting. I find sometimes I try and count while walking when my brain just becomes to much for my head and I need a break.
Then I was talking to my mom that week I went home for Applefest and she let me know one of my brother's was going to try the gluten free diet. He also has felt sick for a very long time. Like I said misery loves company, 2 sickies in the same household dealing with it differently. Well I just found out this week like me he has started feeling much better. So in a way my statement still holds true, yes we feel better but now I have some one I can commiserate with about the gluten free diet and all the things we can't have anymore. BUT at the same time I also now have someone I can also share new food ideas and what the food tastes like. It's kind of good and bad.
As well this week I had to shoot my Environmental prelim. My idea was Ares and Athena, gods of war. When I get a chance to convert them to a smaller file I will post a prelim and then the final image for you all. It's very exciting and stressful all rolled into a small energetic ball that I can be.
I'll just have to keep crafting away to keep myself sane, if I ramble a little too much I'm sorry, I also have been trying to write a book and it's coming along but that creative block is stuck in the wall right now and my mental pry bar hasn't been able to remove it yet. Hopefully this weekend I can get some work done, you never know it is my favourite holiday of Thanks.

I'll leave you know with the images of the guys I created while in my funk, and my proto-type robot guy. All the bead guys are orders I actually had from friends and family.My favourite part of this guy would definitely have
to be the heart I created. Might just
have to put it on a few of my guys.
This guy is for a family friend who loves turtles.
I definitely like the shell and when creating this
little guy I got an idea so who knows
you may see another shelled companion
soon.You may recognize this one. But no it isn't the same.
My really good friend I showed them too
picked my very first guy out of all my beaded
dudes and asked if I could make her one like him.
This is the result.
He is for my cousin. And reminds
me a whole lot of a frog. I might make a frog
from the left over yarn.This one is my other cousins. Her only
stipulation: it has to be blue and
white.Lastly, here they are all ready in their bags
to be packed up and mailed
to the recipients.
As you may have noticed they all turn out differently. Each has their own little quirks and sizes. These ones are fairly similar in size but only because I used the same brand of yarn and needle. But everything from the expression to the size of lips on the head. I seem to find them all turning out slightly differently, especially my older ones when I was still playing with ideas.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
-Photo Alley

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