Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tourism at the helm

I warn you in advance this post will have a lot of pictures from when I decided to be a tourist and also was suppose to be scouting out my architecture location.
Here goes nothing:

This looked like a quaint little cottage and therefore I had to photograph it.

Then there were more pictures of landscapes and parliament that I took:

Then there are the circles of confusion that we started to take picture of because it was getting too dark to take any real pictures without a tripod. These were just as fun if not more fun to take pictures of.

As well there was the beer bottle I found on the ground and my camera did a natural vignetting around it. I'm not sure if you will be able to see it in the image but the original is quite interesting. The lens did this on a few of my images. It was strange.And then lastly there is the image that I photomerged together of the whole parliament library. This is where my exterior architecture is.
This is how the image came out of the photomerge process and I actually really like the areas that don't have image in them. It makes it look a little crazy. I'm sure if I were ever to use it I would have to fill that part in. As well I would have to fix the areas where the images have been stitched together. But for right now I like it.
I hope you enjoy.
-Photo Alley

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