Sunday, September 26, 2010

Applefest Weekend

Oh this weekend has been amazing. I came home and my animals all loved me. I swear my cat barely left my side the whole first night. The next night me and my fam jam made home made gluten free perogies. Boy were they ever delicious. When I find the site I got the recipe off of I will post it for ya here. We made our own filling, one of onion and potato and the other potato, goat's gouda and bacon. I think next time we will use a less powerful cheese and a more tasty onion flavour because just the onion wasn't powerful enough. As well it took a bit of time to get the hang of the dough. The first couple that we made flattened completely out but by the end we were pros. It was tons of fun having the family all cook together with our own little jobs.
As well this weekend was Applefest weekend in my home town and it was amazing. The street fair keeps getting bigger and bigger. I had in all honesty planned on taking pictures but I was just having to much fun I ended up take about 2 pictures the whole weekend. I did however crack out that good old disposable camera today, we'll see how the pictures turn out. Well I'm off. Back to school.
-Photo Alley

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