Monday, September 20, 2010


Today of all days I was sick, I missed class and I bet it was an important one too, I just hope that I start to feel better soon. At first I thought maybe it had been the cotton candy that maybe there was some chance that there had been gluten in it, especially since I ate it with out checking but after being sick for 4 days I don't think it was gluten. However it may have been lactose. I drink Goat's milk which has less lactose in it and my stomach seems to tolerate it where as when there is even a small amount of cow's milk outside baked goods I'm a goner. But the only link so far between the days is the goat's milk I was having at breakfast and some new goat's cheese I was trying. All very delicious but possibly a little too much.... OR the other possibility is I have the flu, I've been hella tired and a bit on the achy side but I thought it was due to carrying camera equipment around for lots of hours on end. Then I noticed I was producing a lot more phlegm then normal and my glands were a little swollen, not a lot but a little. This has brought me to the conclusion I think I have the flu or have caught something from my roommates or classmates, groups of people I hang out in close proximity to that have been sick in the past couple weeks.

This however is not what I was posting about. On a day when you just feel horrible and can't really do anything, I can't go shoot, I can't go to class, I pretty much am bed ridden... what then do you do? Well I always find putting on a good movie and doing crafts a good way to pass the time. If I were at home with my parents I may have gotten a good chunk of my to do list of quilts done but seeing as I am at school I crocheted.
First here are 2 guys I did before I got sick. One is an egg man that I did one day when I could not sleep for the life of me so till around 1 in the morning I made him.I saw a picture similar an thought I can do that.
I got the egg design off of the web of course in free patterns,
it was untested and boy am I glad I did him small.
I used a 2mm hook with some 6 strand thread commonly
used for making bracelets. He came out to be the size of a small egg.
I only wonder what would have happened if I used regular yarn and
3mm hook. Anyways and then I added the feet
and the black crack.
This of course is an applekin, the one I
made for my mom. I needed
him done by applefest.Then I was in the mood to make
something small and I couldn't sleep so I
thought why not try and make an
applekin small. This is what I came up
with, I didn't have small enough beads for his arm
so I made them like a bracelet.

As for the guys I made today, here they are:So I was going to try and get through the patterns
I have accumulated but haven't made. This
was my first one. He is from the lemmings pattern
by a person named June. When I find the site
again I will post a link. Anyways I didn't have mohair yarn
to make his hair so I used some fuzzy stuff I had and
then I made him a hood. He kind of looks like he is wearing a parka.
Now all he needs is something like a pick axe and he'll
be good to go..... MaybeNow I know you have all already
seen Safety Cone and miniature Safety Cone..
Kinda reminds me of the horses and the miniature horses
from Richmond Fair. Anywho. I know I already made them but
when looking through my patterns I noticed the girl
who made the patter originally made a
winter hat for her guy and I always thought that was cool
so I thought I would try my hand at making him
a nice winter hat. As well if you notice his expression is
a little nicer then it looked before. It always bothered me that
he looked scary, like what you would find on a jack o'lantern.
Therefore I changed it.And lastly there is this little guy. He quite literally is small. I made
him with a 3mm hook and regular yarn and he still is only
about as tall as Safety Cone. He's so cute. Anyways, I've
always wanted to make a bat and
all the ones I see are either just the head with wings or
they have felt parts to them. I wanted a totally
crocheted bat. Therefore a little while ago I made a pattern for him
but never tried it out. So today I thought I would try it on out.
As well I had just painted the eyes he had a couple days before
and I think they work wonderfully.

I know it doesn't look like I got a lot done but each item took about a movie long or longer to make. I watched 2 movies from the Bring It On Series, as well as Pride and Prejudice and Ocean's Thirteen. I think I did pretty good actually. I would say I found it harder today because my fingers started to cramp earlier then usually and they were finding it difficult to do the smaller parts to the little guys.
But not it is time for more food and more re hydration. Write soon, hopefully the sickness will go soon.
-Photo Alley

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