Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Another Sick Day

I attempted class today, and I made it for 4 hours but then feeling sick just got to be too much for me and therefore I went home, but in a way my afternoon was not wasted this time. I sat at my computer and started looking at websites. I have now gotten an ideal for a crochet project, now I'll I have to do is create the pattern, and possibly buy yarn, but that can wait till tomorrow.
The place I would love you all to go look is a flickr account owned by Sleepy Robot 13. I really like the one grim reaper who is standing on her head and I absolutely love the robots like there is no tomorrow. Then I thought to myself "why not try and make a crocheted version" So that is what I am going to do. Wish me luck and I will show you how they turn out.

As well a bit of news I have been asked to make 4 more of my crocheted bead guys. Therefore when I get sometime I am going to work on them but again because they are specific colours I will have to go buy yarn, hopefully tomorrow.
enjoy the website I have given you to look at. They are quite the interesting clay figures.
-Photo Alley

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