Monday, September 6, 2010

The mother load of my cravings

Hello one and all.
Ever since going gluten free I have had many many cravings and most recently it has been perogies. Well I shouldn't say recently I should say pretty much for the past 4 months.
Today my roommates were cooking while I was in my room with the door open and all I could smell was frying bacon and a starch, the smell of perogies (they were cooking pasta, do you see where my craving has taken me). Finally I had had enough, I pulled out my computer jumped onto google and started my search for gluten free perogies. Low and behold a ton of things popped up. Now I am a little skeptical with online searches having the right results that I want but I was willing to look. And yes a few results ended up being for places you could order them but you had to live in Alberta, a bit of a problem for me but oh well I kept on looking. Well was I ever surprised when I didn't just find one recipe NO but 4 yes that is right 4, I do not lie. As well all these recipes had comments raving about how good these perogies were and the deliciousness of them. I am in heaven right now just at having found some recipes that not only look great but look like them may be easy to make.
Therefore in a few weeks time I will be making these perogies. I am waiting till I go home and have the help of my mother, I know waiting when you have just found your saviour but I do not trust myself to make them right especially because I have problems with potatoes.
Well I will post hopefully pictures but as well how they taste so that you may make them as well. If however you do not want to wait like I said just type in Gluten Free perogies into your search engines, google is the one I used and start testing yourself.
Yours truly,
-Photo Alley

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