Sunday, September 19, 2010

Richmond Fair

Well I'm not sure if you know this or not but Richmond had their annual fair this past weekend and along with an assignment to shoot I thought it would be tons of fun to see what their fair was about. It reminded me a lot of home and being homesick I thought it the perfect remedy.
At the fair I took tons of photos I mean in the thousands of images. My hard drive is not appreciating on these RAW files I have uploaded this weekend, the fan is going wild and the computers running slow. I decided I needed to go through my old images and files and delete what I didn't need anymore, that of course left me with tons to empty in my trash can because of course I always forget it needs to be emptied regularly. Anyways along with all those great images and a fun time I received a sun burn. When they tell you put sun screen on they mean it. I swear I was fine the first day I went but this Sunday (today) I burnt my forehead and my nose, but nowhere else. Strange but oh well it was worth it.
As for the fair there was the usual food and carnival rides which of course I wish I had played so I could win these two stuffies:Now imagine these guys where fairly big, they could have easily been used as extra pillows and they of course were adorable.
The downside I had to this weekend was buying some food at the fair and not thinking to check it for gluten. I was sick all Friday night and most of Saturday while the rest of Saturday I slept. Now this disappointed me because one I didn't see the demolition derby but I also missed the day of horse shows. I love horses and cows and the likes but on Friday only a few were in the barn. Saturday was to be the big show day. Then I thought to my self would you rather stay home and get better or go to the fair and be sick the whole time. I chose to stay home as well I was consoled because there would be a few horse shows on Sunday and they were Heavy and Draft horses, my favourite.
Sunday I got to the fair and immediately went to the horses. However at the time the miniature horses were showing. These are the cutest horses I have ever seen, they barely come to your waist if that and are actually horses not ponies. Much smaller then ponies actually. Very cute but not what I wanted to see. And then I saw them the draft horses. These beasts are huge and when I say huge I mean HUGE. There were some that the men leading them didn't even come to their shoulders, they were beautiful. But I must say the best part of the draft horse shows actually started around one and they were the carriage pulls.This is just one of about 100 I took of the show. I must say there is almost 200 images of horses alone in my 1000+ sets. But they were so majestic and beautiful, i stopped taking pictures and just watched. I was a little sad to leave the fair because the shows were still going on but my ride was waiting and I was starting to feel sick again. Overall though I wonderful weekend.
However I think I may have caught a little dehydration along the route with my sun burned face. Till next time though
-Photo Alley
P.S. soon I will upload some more crocheted magic.

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