Monday, September 13, 2010

Some Links

Well this is my second post in one day, quite amazing right. Well actually it is the fact that I can't sleep. Anyways I thought I would let you all know that my blog will start having more of my work from school up here as well as the crafts I am working on. Hopefully I can strike a nice balance and be a little more well rounded.
If you hadn't noticed that post from earlier today was actually an assignment as well for my multi media class. And in that class I am learning HTML.
Because of this I thought you have heard about some of these websites I talk about but I never give links, well now I know how so I thought I would try and give you a link to the Gluten free blog that I find quite interesting and was the first one I started reading. It was introduced to me by my sister's friend's sister when she found out I was going gluten free. It definitely helps a lot to know that there are other people out there either officially diagnosed or like myself self diagnosed. The blog is called Gluten Free Girl I hope the link works for you.
I think this new programming could come in really handy when trying to let you all know about links to recipes without going into copyright laws.
Keep rocking in the free world all.
-Photo Alley

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