Thursday, March 31, 2011

Go a Head and Laugh

Hey Hey,
So remember way back when I showed you all my beaded guys and mentioned that they had been based of a picture I had found on google but couldn't find again.... well I finally found it again.
The creature was called Mr.Funny
I ordered the pattern and have started him, actually I am all but finished him because I needed bigger eyes but had none here and couldn't find bigger ones in the area so I got my mom to buy some and when I go home next I'll be finishing him off. So stay tuned for that post. Anyways the making of the pattern wasn't too bad the only part I had troubles with were the eye/ eye lids... it appeared that there were stitches that the writer had coming out of no where and then they would jump back to normal, so needless to say I hope I did the eyes right, they seem to be proper but I won't know till I sew them on.
As well the assembly for the head was a bit strange and I had a bit of difficulty figuring that part out, finally got it working but I wouldn't recommend this pattern for the beginner, maybe get a few patterns under you belt and then away you go... That or it may just have been me, when I noticed there were many instructions on assembly I expected many more pictures with much more detail, I did however get it done so, if you want to try it out you should... he is adorable.
To see pictures of him and to order him go HERE or HERE.
I hope you enjoy.
And I will try and get back to you all soon.
-Photo Alley

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Strawberry Jacuzzi

Well this is the second post in the day.
After writing that post I got my images ready to submit as a submission for the awards for second years. With that out of the way I found that I still had tons of time left on my hand in the day but I had had enough of the computer so I switched over to 2 amigurumi patterns I wanted to try out.
One was a blue lobster found Here at Karabouts blog. And the other a baby dragon found here

Here are the pictures of my afternoon

Isn't he the cutest.
And lastly here is an image that I took:

Enjoy your day.
-Photo Alley

Thank God There's Movies

Sorry I haven't been around, I had tried to get motivated to start a crochet project, finish my binding on my quilts, or even just go outside and take some images.
I however was not motivated at all, since I handed in my portfolio on Thursday I have been right bored out of my mind. I was going to take pictures and then looked outside and was un inspired. It's that time of year where it can't quite decide if it wants to warm up and let the green come back or stay cold and snow some more and therefore outside looks drab and a little disgusting to say the least. So I nixed that idea and decided I would try and finish the binding on my quilts.... well let's just say they still are unfinished.
Then I thought hey I'll make some more crochet patterns or even try out some that I have found on the net. I went to walmart to try and get some colours I wanted... they had non I felt I wanted, came back and put a movie on and fell asleep. So that too is still to be done. the only thing saving me from complete and utter boredom is the fact that a group of friends and I went out to see Sucker Punch, quite a good movie actually. But besides that it was a blip in the long, long days since finishing portfolio. I however am determined to get the things I need to get done done and then we'll see where I am.
Hopefully I can report something interesting in the days to come.
-Photo Alley

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Clear Skies Keep The Blues Away

Hey guys,
So after having tacos I definitely felt much better, I had much more energy. I am sure it was the iron that was getting me down. But now that I know what happened I am now equipped with the right tools to fix everything, I talked to the pharmacist and got a list of foods rich in iron so that if I slip up again I might have some easier food to get to. So Wish me luck.

As well I have finally finished my portfolio, completely and utterly done, now all that is left is to hand it in on Friday. I have actually quite excited. I also am so relieved, I have no stress in these final days before the due date.
Here is an update though of my creative ad, I had found out yesterday that I needed to change it.

As well I finally edited 2 images from my many faces of my feet, and the big collage. 
Here they are:

Click on the images to enlarge them if you are having difficulty seeing them.
Till later.
-Photo Alley

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Superior Saturday and Lord Sunday

I was trying to come up with a witty title to this post and I remembered some books me and my brother have only recently finished reading. It is a series called "Keys to the Kingdom" by Garth Nix. It is really a great series, it starts with Mister Monday, then there is Grim Tuesday, Drowned Wednesday, Sir Thursday, Lady Friday, Superior Saturday, Lord Sunday.
See I figured it was the weekend and this title just worked, actually a title like that would work for and day of the week ending in day due to the fact that there is a book for each day. Anyways this series is about a boy who enters what is like another dimension and ends up becoming something like a chosen one and has to save this new world. I liked it because well I like a well written fiction novel and that's what these are, but it has tie ins with Greek Mythology, Christianity and well Fantasy. It was a very interesting story and whether your 8 or 88 I think everyone would find something in each of the books.
It's like they always say you have to keep the kid inside alive.

However this was not what this post was originally about, this post originally going to be an apology about why I haven't posted anything since my portfolio images, well to put it lightly I've been tired.
Exhausted really. I wake up in the morning and immediately want to go back to bed, I take a nap that is suppose to last an hour or so and wake up 10 hours later. Weird right? Yes definitely, I have been feeling fairly good lately, with of course a few minor mishaps here and there in the gluten department but overall good. Until recently, it actually started on Tuesday. I had been tired the week before and Monday but thought it was just me being over worked from the program, you know last minute shoots, editing final images etc. etc. However by Tuesday I didn't need to get up early so I slept in and when my alarm went off I shut it off and went back to bed. I woke up somewhere around 1just before my roommate came home and felt a little stuffy and stale, like when you stay inside for too long, so when my roommate came home I asked if she wanted to go shopping. It was great fresh air was going to do the trick, well really it just tired me out even more, so when we got back I thought hey I'll just take a small nap and then get up to watch some shows later on, I woke up around 10 that night to eat a small dinner, I wasn't really hungry and went straight back to bed. The next morning I had an early class so I didn't want to continue to stay up and through my sleep pattern even more. Well my alarm I am guessing went off but my body went "Uh un, no way I'm not getting up yet, I was awaken by my phone buzzing. I freaked out and hurried to get ready to make it to the school no later then I had to. Sleep fog was with me all day but I persevered and stayed at the school, I then did some test printing and went home finally. From there I continued to force myself to stay awake there was this show "Off the Map" on and I really like it so I wanted to watch it. Again I was barely hungry so I only ate a small dinner and after the show was over went to bed. The next day I managed to get up and go to class on time, I even finished printing. Then Friday through my what should have been well rested mind I came into the school to drop of some equipment that will be due this week coming up. And stayed to chat with the busy student workers. Came home and of course napped yet again, Saturday I managed to make it to the school for 9 for a photo shoot I was modeling for and made it home to yes once again sleep, there were 2 movies on later that I wanted to watch. my 3 hour nap became 6. Today again I made it to the school for 9 to help some friends and try and get opinions on the flow of my portfolio, again still tired.
By this time I was getting worried, who is exhausted for a whole week unless they have mono, and knock on wood, I'm pretty sure I don't have that. I came home, went back out again realizing that my unforgiving brain had forgotten some of my computer gear at the school and milk. So back again I went and came home with tacos.. mmmm tacos.... but it wasn't late enough for dinner, so I had a snack and came into my room planning on napping once again only to watch a movie through weary eyes that didn't want to close. So now here I sit not hungry still (the tacos are waiting till tomorrow) and still tired but un able to sleep. I also just got off the phone and I believe my mother is a genius without her we may not have realized what may be causing all this drowsiness.
See before I self diagnosed as celiac I went for my one and only set of blood work test, you know the one where they don't really check anything but blood count, iron and a few vitamin things, something that would maybe register a deficiency or diabetes. Well that test did show a deficiency, a B12 one plus a minor case of low iron, hopefully easily fixed with more intake on the red meat side. Good old beef, not something I like to cook myself, but will readily eat when others do. Well as many sufferers of celiac know a deficiency comes with the territory along with many other symptoms that clicked in later after much discussion with fellow friends of the lifestyle. As well anyone who has a deficiency knows that they have to stay on top of it. Well I take my B12 every day in pill form, making sure that it is all good but something I have been neglecting these past few weeks is my red meat intake. I've been so lazy I haven't wanted to prepare my own meals all that much and I when I have it usually hasn't been beef.
Voila, the reason behind the tiredness, or I hope so anyways, we will see in the days to come. I'm going to go talk to my pharmacist and have my tacos tomorrow and plan some beef like dinners for the weeks to come. Something so small as missing a red meat meal a week could take me into this tired mess again and though my body still feels pretty good in the tummy section the rest of my body is craving the sleep that low iron makes you want. So in a few days I will hopefully be less tired and more myself again, taking tons of pictures of my day to day life.
I'll report back in a few days to let you know the progress, sometimes I feel like a guinea pig and others I'm just glad that these test are working.
Enjoy your final hours of the weekend and live through the week with a smile on your face, remembering that the next weekend is only 5 days away.
-Photo Alley

p.s. I can't wait for the green trees and the smell of flowers in the air

Monday, March 14, 2011

Final Portfolio

*I warn you this will be a photo heavy post*

Well I realized many of you may not be able to come out and see my portfolio once it is done so I thought I would show you the images. I finished shooting this past Saturday and it was wonderful to know that that was done, I am now also done the major edits and am in the final stages of minor tweaks here and there for printing. So with out further ado here are the images:
Forest Nymph
So if you hadn't guessed my theme is greek mythology. I actually really enjoyed doing these shoots, some started out bad but ended good , and others I didn't know if they would fully work till I got them in to photoshop, over all though everthing worked out amazingly and I had an awesome time creating them.

As well this weekend I was able to go out to Caprese the 100% gluten free restaurant. It was as the last time amazing, as well this time around I was able to have desert because they added a dairy free one recently... It was all very delicious. Then in the morning I had breakfast at a place that use to be "Cora's" but recently changed, I'm not sure the name now, but when I went in I asked immediately if they had any gluten free options and it just so happened that that day they had brought in some gluten free bread for toast and gluten free english muffins to try out and see if anyone ordered. It was very good.
Then I also recently bought a gluten free bread made by the company Udi's that was really good as well. It reminded me of Italian bread actually. It was very nice.

I hope you enjoy the images and the information but now it is time for my body to crash from such long and exhausting nights.
-Photo Alley

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Holla at my images

Hello once more and always,
I have been working on my creative ad and well I thought I would show you some images from the shoot, and what not, plus the Hades open that I did, I am very proud of it and am willing to show it before portfolio... only mere seconds away.
Here are a few of the perfume bottle I used:
We tried to get a spray mist from the perfume bottle but it wasn't working so we changed to a water bottle, here is some of the results:
A few of the details in larger part of the Hades image:
Finally here is the Hades layout....
"Have You Paid The Ferry Man Yet?"
I am almost done now, I have a rough edit on my creative ad I just have to see if I'm even on the right track for this one before I go and print. As well I think I am quite on track I only have 2 more shoots and those edits before I am ready to completely start printing. I was even going to start test printing today but I ran out of time due to an assignment that I had not completed because of being sick. 
I hope you guys enjoy your night and stay warm apparently it's suppose to snow lots.
-Photo alley

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bake Some Edits

Hello again,
Today I decided I would spend the whole day doing something productive, whether it be unfinished projects (for myself) or edits for school. I also thought I would bake something because I bought goat's milk only to realize it expires in a few days and so I wanted to use it all up.... (didn't happen). I woke early, and I mean early for a day off, I woke up at 7:35... way before my alarm was set so I tried to go back to sleep but my stomach was a grumbling. I tried to ignore it but well when your hungry your hungry so I got up thinking after I eat breakfast I'll go back to sleep till my alarm goes off at 10. I ate I went back to my room and I stayed awake. By 8:30 I gave up and decided I would get up but not actually leave my bed so I started working on the unfinished snorlax I started awhile ago. By 9:30 I was bored and got up and out of my bed and moved to our downstairs living room so I could watch movies while I worked. See I am a little addicted to movies and I have tons, so I thought to myself a few days ago "Hey you, your going to watch all of your movies..." and therefore I decided what better place to start then the un-opened ones I had recently bought. I put in Addicted to love, you know a light and airing one and cozied on down to start editing. I opened up one of myself directed and did end up finishing the edits, though I took many breaks in between finishing. Finally I I went to start on my other self directed took one look at it and went I have no idea what I am going to do with you I'm taking a break. So I put in Eagle Eye and continued with the snorlax... however I got a little distracted cause I hadn't seen Eagle Eye in a while and ended up just watching the movie instead. Then I needed another break of course, I was getting hungry again, so I grabbed the goat's cheese, broke off a hunk and decided it was time to bake some goodies. I went through my books chose the ones I thought would be quick and easy and away I went. I then couldn't leave the kitchen because after putting the first set of flourless cookies in (they only take like 10 minutes to cook) I started the batter for the brownies, and then I couldn't leave there because I knew I would forget to come back up and then I would burn them and they would be ruined and that would be some expensive flour down the drain (figuratively speaking). So I called my mom instead to have a bit of a chat. Finally the brownies were done (only took like 30 minutes) when I realized none of the recipes I was using called for milk so I decided hey why not I would have a large glass of milk with my cookies. BIG mistake, I chugged it and boy was that not a good idea, I did mention I was still sick right....
Well I went back downstairs put in New York I Love you and tried to start editing another image, not the Hades one but a new one.. I got about two seconds into and went bleck I don't want to edit, so I finished my snorlax, went up stairs made my dinner and now here I sit still not editing but talking to you all.
Though I do have some photos of the day.
So 3 cups of green tea, a whole lot of wasted time and a recent brownie in my system here are the images.
These are the books I baked from today.
The flourless cookies and the milk I later chugged.
(these are the Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies from "The Gluten Free
Gourmet Cooks Comfort Foods" book by Bette Hagman.
The delicious brownie I had, I think I may need to go get another.
(This is the Rice based brownies from "You Won't
Believe It's Gluten Free" book by Ruben Ryberg... now all
I need to complete the brownie section is try the
oat based ones.)
The many baking pans I used to make my wonderful goodies.
This is missing one pan which was in the oven at the time. 
And yes I used a muffin tin to make some of the cookies,
I didn't have enough pans, and absolutely no sheets.
Yummy, yummy sauce I defrosted while I baked, for
the pasta I also just finished eating.
My newest favourite mug ever that I like to drink my green
tea from, it is all wonky and I like it.
The finished creamsicle snorlax...
And lastly the edit I actually did today.

The Flourless cookies ended up not being as peanut buttery as I would have thought but still fairly good and they are quick and easy to make. The brownies as well were really good, a more subtle chocolate flavour then the other ones I've tried and much more fragile but still good. As well to note I usually substitute my butter with gluten free margarine. 
I hope you enjoy the images, I might end up actually editing something more before Off the Map is on.
-Photo Alley

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Under the Weather

Hey y'all,
So I have been feeling under the weather lately, I got a little gluten cross contamination bug if you know what I mean. I had almost forgot how painful it could be. I like many others had thought well you know maybe I should try some gluten and see if it really is that causing all my problems but I always talked myself out of it, going "No remember those 2 very painful years of your life". Now I actually been sick for more like 9 or 10 years but the last 2 were the worst because all I ate was pasta and I mean pretty much lunch and dinner every day was pasta plus breakfast was cereal and by the second year I had added in waffles. I know not the best diet but they were the first 2 years of college and I was home sick and then of course feeling sick made me miss home and want the comfort foods of home so I ate more pasta, it ended up being all my body craved.. I occasionally added other foods in you know a steak here and there, some tacos but my body just craved pasta all the time and so those were the worst of the sick days. Anyways back to the cross contamination, recently my school has decided to get with the times and add some gluten free options, including a rice pasta. I had a long school day and realized I hadn't packed enough to last me till the end so I thought hey why not I'll try it out, how bad can it be... BAD is all I can say. I saw the cross contamination going on and thought nothing of it at the time, I tasted the very much over cooked rice noodles and the horrible sauce, I had forgot how bad the sauce was at the make your own pasta (those 2 years at the beginning of college I ate the pre-made pasta where you didn't get a chose in pasta or sauce it was all the same). But I thought hey I'll continue to try some of this pasta, finally my brain kicked in and the taste put me off that I threw almost the whole thing out. That night we were having a fund raiser for our program to help with exhibition so I was like hopefully all will be good. Then when dinner came around and I still felt fine I thought I was out of the woods. I made it to my friends house and I started to feel a little nauseous but thought it was due to the freezing cold night and all the shivering, so I ate some of my gluten free snack bars and we went on our way to have a fun night of dancing (it was a pub night), we got to the pub shortly after 11 and I thought I was doing pretty good all thoughts of the possibility of cross contamination had gone from my mind, I was out having a great time with some great friends, well the movement must have brought the gluten into my system better because not a half hour later I was starting to feel sick by midnight I had sharp pains in my abdomen, and I thought how could this be happening I only ate gluten free tonight, this was suppose to be my relaxing night out, you know stress relief, I made a break to the bathroom to pour cold water of my wrists so that my temperature would stop rising and to take a breather. Well of course all the taps only ran warm or scolding hot so I sat there for a second and went back out to my friends pretending nothing was wrong. I lasted till about 1 and then finally my roommate asked if anything was wrong and I had to tell the truth. So shortly there after we came home. This was my lesson learned, "Listen to your gut"... literally,
When I first saw them barely washing their hands between pasta dishes, and then when I saw the woman grab my pasta with her bare hands I should have said something but my brain just wasn't catching up to me that day. Then when I got to eating it and my brain set off a few warning bells of silent hesitation, again I should have listened and not touched it but I was hungry and I didn't want to listen.
I hope you learn from my mistake and if something seems off say something or don't eat it.
I think I'll be writing to my schools food and beverages service I know that can't do anything for me now but maybe they can educate their staff on cross contamination and hopefully someone with the same condition in the future won't have the same problem.
-Enjoy the rest of your weekend, I have an early shoot tomorrow
-Photo Alley

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back to Reality

Hello all,
If you didn't read my last blog I was on reading week and today was my first day back to classes. Oh boy was it a heart attack and a half. We keep getting reminded about portfolios and when they are due (3 weeks.... just saying) and then all the other things are piling up. It was just one of those days, my website wasn't working, I realized I still have 3 shoots to do and still have to book them plus get one of them, then I was reminded at a meeting today that we have videos due soon (2 weeks.... again just saying). So I had one of those days, those crappy days were it just seems like the world is against you and it just keeps piling on up like there is no tomorrow.
Then I remembered a book my mom gave me over reading week it is called "The G Free Diet" by Elisabeth Hasselbeck. (You can find it here at Chapters or here at Amazon) I mention this book because though technically it is a non fiction book, a sort of self help book slash diet book slash well you get the point, but it is actually a really good read and very helpful. See It is all about living and "surviving" gluten free. At first I just wanted to read it because I had not realized that Elisabeth Hasselbeck was Celiac until I watched the episode of "The View" where they were promoting it, however this was a flick of the channel and I missed all but the ending (the title of the book). So I was very surprised (and happy) my mom bought me this, she didn't even know that I had already heard of it. So as I was reading it it made me feel awesome, this here is a book that gives you the lists of different names for wheat, here is the book that tells you about good and healthy things for you. And lastly here is the story to tell you "Hey you aren't alone and you aren't the only one feeling like that". I read this and went wow that is how I feel when I walk into a grocery store now, wow I feel like that when I get down on the gluten free. It tells about trials and tribulations, about how the doctors usually just dismiss it and about the slip ups that happen along the way of becoming gluten free. Therefore I highly and I mean HIGHLY recommend this book whether you are recently diagnosed, self diagnosed, been living gluten free for years or know someone who is gluten free. Hey even if you just want a good read and to know a little more about the way a gluten free diet works, I would suggest this book.
As well I also was on a website today that notifies you about freebies that stores are giving out, or a coupon that you can get, even draws you can enter for. Now normally I wouldn't post something like this on here but this one actually seemed like a good idea. See this one website while I was going through the list was a draw to win organic, and natural prize pack, BUT... all you had to do was enter your name and email address and the company would plant a tree in your name. Now the prize pack is cool but who wouldn't like to have a tree planted in their name. Here is the website if you would like to go to it and have a tree planted in your name as well as be entered into a draw.

And lastly I have been doing a little editing on some photos so here are a few of the images:
Here is the final edit of my magazine cover, you'll have 
to wait to see it in the final layout though.

Here is an image of Jared I edited, I am hoping to use it maybe
for the consumer portrait.

And here is an image of one of the model's from the
workshop we did. I hopefully will resize the other images 
so I can show you them.

As well this week I did 3 photoshoots, the retaking of my 2 opens from last semester and an extra just in case. 
Here is a shot that took my breath away when I was at the beach, whether the picture does it just it well probably not but I still think you'll like it as well another shot of how cool the sky looked when I went a second time to finish up.
This was the first night, I actually went a little too late,
and couldn't see anything but this was beautiful to watch.

These two are from the second time, the sky was actually a 
clear blue all day not a cloud in sight, yet the horizon 
was purple. I loved it
And this was just before we left the sun was finally almost
all the way down.

So I guess I gave you a couple more then 2 but I just enjoyed the colours and the setting sun so much I had to share it with you all.
I hope you enjoy and stay warm this week, it's suppose to be cold.
-Photo Alley