Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Holla at my images

Hello once more and always,
I have been working on my creative ad and well I thought I would show you some images from the shoot, and what not, plus the Hades open that I did, I am very proud of it and am willing to show it before portfolio... only mere seconds away.
Here are a few of the perfume bottle I used:
We tried to get a spray mist from the perfume bottle but it wasn't working so we changed to a water bottle, here is some of the results:
A few of the details in larger part of the Hades image:
Finally here is the Hades layout....
"Have You Paid The Ferry Man Yet?"
I am almost done now, I have a rough edit on my creative ad I just have to see if I'm even on the right track for this one before I go and print. As well I think I am quite on track I only have 2 more shoots and those edits before I am ready to completely start printing. I was even going to start test printing today but I ran out of time due to an assignment that I had not completed because of being sick. 
I hope you guys enjoy your night and stay warm apparently it's suppose to snow lots.
-Photo alley

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