Monday, March 7, 2011

Bake Some Edits

Hello again,
Today I decided I would spend the whole day doing something productive, whether it be unfinished projects (for myself) or edits for school. I also thought I would bake something because I bought goat's milk only to realize it expires in a few days and so I wanted to use it all up.... (didn't happen). I woke early, and I mean early for a day off, I woke up at 7:35... way before my alarm was set so I tried to go back to sleep but my stomach was a grumbling. I tried to ignore it but well when your hungry your hungry so I got up thinking after I eat breakfast I'll go back to sleep till my alarm goes off at 10. I ate I went back to my room and I stayed awake. By 8:30 I gave up and decided I would get up but not actually leave my bed so I started working on the unfinished snorlax I started awhile ago. By 9:30 I was bored and got up and out of my bed and moved to our downstairs living room so I could watch movies while I worked. See I am a little addicted to movies and I have tons, so I thought to myself a few days ago "Hey you, your going to watch all of your movies..." and therefore I decided what better place to start then the un-opened ones I had recently bought. I put in Addicted to love, you know a light and airing one and cozied on down to start editing. I opened up one of myself directed and did end up finishing the edits, though I took many breaks in between finishing. Finally I I went to start on my other self directed took one look at it and went I have no idea what I am going to do with you I'm taking a break. So I put in Eagle Eye and continued with the snorlax... however I got a little distracted cause I hadn't seen Eagle Eye in a while and ended up just watching the movie instead. Then I needed another break of course, I was getting hungry again, so I grabbed the goat's cheese, broke off a hunk and decided it was time to bake some goodies. I went through my books chose the ones I thought would be quick and easy and away I went. I then couldn't leave the kitchen because after putting the first set of flourless cookies in (they only take like 10 minutes to cook) I started the batter for the brownies, and then I couldn't leave there because I knew I would forget to come back up and then I would burn them and they would be ruined and that would be some expensive flour down the drain (figuratively speaking). So I called my mom instead to have a bit of a chat. Finally the brownies were done (only took like 30 minutes) when I realized none of the recipes I was using called for milk so I decided hey why not I would have a large glass of milk with my cookies. BIG mistake, I chugged it and boy was that not a good idea, I did mention I was still sick right....
Well I went back downstairs put in New York I Love you and tried to start editing another image, not the Hades one but a new one.. I got about two seconds into and went bleck I don't want to edit, so I finished my snorlax, went up stairs made my dinner and now here I sit still not editing but talking to you all.
Though I do have some photos of the day.
So 3 cups of green tea, a whole lot of wasted time and a recent brownie in my system here are the images.
These are the books I baked from today.
The flourless cookies and the milk I later chugged.
(these are the Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies from "The Gluten Free
Gourmet Cooks Comfort Foods" book by Bette Hagman.
The delicious brownie I had, I think I may need to go get another.
(This is the Rice based brownies from "You Won't
Believe It's Gluten Free" book by Ruben Ryberg... now all
I need to complete the brownie section is try the
oat based ones.)
The many baking pans I used to make my wonderful goodies.
This is missing one pan which was in the oven at the time. 
And yes I used a muffin tin to make some of the cookies,
I didn't have enough pans, and absolutely no sheets.
Yummy, yummy sauce I defrosted while I baked, for
the pasta I also just finished eating.
My newest favourite mug ever that I like to drink my green
tea from, it is all wonky and I like it.
The finished creamsicle snorlax...
And lastly the edit I actually did today.

The Flourless cookies ended up not being as peanut buttery as I would have thought but still fairly good and they are quick and easy to make. The brownies as well were really good, a more subtle chocolate flavour then the other ones I've tried and much more fragile but still good. As well to note I usually substitute my butter with gluten free margarine. 
I hope you enjoy the images, I might end up actually editing something more before Off the Map is on.
-Photo Alley

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