Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thank God There's Movies

Sorry I haven't been around, I had tried to get motivated to start a crochet project, finish my binding on my quilts, or even just go outside and take some images.
I however was not motivated at all, since I handed in my portfolio on Thursday I have been right bored out of my mind. I was going to take pictures and then looked outside and was un inspired. It's that time of year where it can't quite decide if it wants to warm up and let the green come back or stay cold and snow some more and therefore outside looks drab and a little disgusting to say the least. So I nixed that idea and decided I would try and finish the binding on my quilts.... well let's just say they still are unfinished.
Then I thought hey I'll make some more crochet patterns or even try out some that I have found on the net. I went to walmart to try and get some colours I wanted... they had non I felt I wanted, came back and put a movie on and fell asleep. So that too is still to be done. the only thing saving me from complete and utter boredom is the fact that a group of friends and I went out to see Sucker Punch, quite a good movie actually. But besides that it was a blip in the long, long days since finishing portfolio. I however am determined to get the things I need to get done done and then we'll see where I am.
Hopefully I can report something interesting in the days to come.
-Photo Alley

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