Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back to Reality

Hello all,
If you didn't read my last blog I was on reading week and today was my first day back to classes. Oh boy was it a heart attack and a half. We keep getting reminded about portfolios and when they are due (3 weeks.... just saying) and then all the other things are piling up. It was just one of those days, my website wasn't working, I realized I still have 3 shoots to do and still have to book them plus get one of them, then I was reminded at a meeting today that we have videos due soon (2 weeks.... again just saying). So I had one of those days, those crappy days were it just seems like the world is against you and it just keeps piling on up like there is no tomorrow.
Then I remembered a book my mom gave me over reading week it is called "The G Free Diet" by Elisabeth Hasselbeck. (You can find it here at Chapters or here at Amazon) I mention this book because though technically it is a non fiction book, a sort of self help book slash diet book slash well you get the point, but it is actually a really good read and very helpful. See It is all about living and "surviving" gluten free. At first I just wanted to read it because I had not realized that Elisabeth Hasselbeck was Celiac until I watched the episode of "The View" where they were promoting it, however this was a flick of the channel and I missed all but the ending (the title of the book). So I was very surprised (and happy) my mom bought me this, she didn't even know that I had already heard of it. So as I was reading it it made me feel awesome, this here is a book that gives you the lists of different names for wheat, here is the book that tells you about good and healthy things for you. And lastly here is the story to tell you "Hey you aren't alone and you aren't the only one feeling like that". I read this and went wow that is how I feel when I walk into a grocery store now, wow I feel like that when I get down on the gluten free. It tells about trials and tribulations, about how the doctors usually just dismiss it and about the slip ups that happen along the way of becoming gluten free. Therefore I highly and I mean HIGHLY recommend this book whether you are recently diagnosed, self diagnosed, been living gluten free for years or know someone who is gluten free. Hey even if you just want a good read and to know a little more about the way a gluten free diet works, I would suggest this book.
As well I also was on a website today that notifies you about freebies that stores are giving out, or a coupon that you can get, even draws you can enter for. Now normally I wouldn't post something like this on here but this one actually seemed like a good idea. See this one website while I was going through the list was a draw to win organic, and natural prize pack, BUT... all you had to do was enter your name and email address and the company would plant a tree in your name. Now the prize pack is cool but who wouldn't like to have a tree planted in their name. Here is the website if you would like to go to it and have a tree planted in your name as well as be entered into a draw.

And lastly I have been doing a little editing on some photos so here are a few of the images:
Here is the final edit of my magazine cover, you'll have 
to wait to see it in the final layout though.

Here is an image of Jared I edited, I am hoping to use it maybe
for the consumer portrait.

And here is an image of one of the model's from the
workshop we did. I hopefully will resize the other images 
so I can show you them.

As well this week I did 3 photoshoots, the retaking of my 2 opens from last semester and an extra just in case. 
Here is a shot that took my breath away when I was at the beach, whether the picture does it just it well probably not but I still think you'll like it as well another shot of how cool the sky looked when I went a second time to finish up.
This was the first night, I actually went a little too late,
and couldn't see anything but this was beautiful to watch.

These two are from the second time, the sky was actually a 
clear blue all day not a cloud in sight, yet the horizon 
was purple. I loved it
And this was just before we left the sun was finally almost
all the way down.

So I guess I gave you a couple more then 2 but I just enjoyed the colours and the setting sun so much I had to share it with you all.
I hope you enjoy and stay warm this week, it's suppose to be cold.
-Photo Alley

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