Monday, March 14, 2011

Final Portfolio

*I warn you this will be a photo heavy post*

Well I realized many of you may not be able to come out and see my portfolio once it is done so I thought I would show you the images. I finished shooting this past Saturday and it was wonderful to know that that was done, I am now also done the major edits and am in the final stages of minor tweaks here and there for printing. So with out further ado here are the images:
Forest Nymph
So if you hadn't guessed my theme is greek mythology. I actually really enjoyed doing these shoots, some started out bad but ended good , and others I didn't know if they would fully work till I got them in to photoshop, over all though everthing worked out amazingly and I had an awesome time creating them.

As well this weekend I was able to go out to Caprese the 100% gluten free restaurant. It was as the last time amazing, as well this time around I was able to have desert because they added a dairy free one recently... It was all very delicious. Then in the morning I had breakfast at a place that use to be "Cora's" but recently changed, I'm not sure the name now, but when I went in I asked immediately if they had any gluten free options and it just so happened that that day they had brought in some gluten free bread for toast and gluten free english muffins to try out and see if anyone ordered. It was very good.
Then I also recently bought a gluten free bread made by the company Udi's that was really good as well. It reminded me of Italian bread actually. It was very nice.

I hope you enjoy the images and the information but now it is time for my body to crash from such long and exhausting nights.
-Photo Alley