Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Clear Skies Keep The Blues Away

Hey guys,
So after having tacos I definitely felt much better, I had much more energy. I am sure it was the iron that was getting me down. But now that I know what happened I am now equipped with the right tools to fix everything, I talked to the pharmacist and got a list of foods rich in iron so that if I slip up again I might have some easier food to get to. So Wish me luck.

As well I have finally finished my portfolio, completely and utterly done, now all that is left is to hand it in on Friday. I have actually quite excited. I also am so relieved, I have no stress in these final days before the due date.
Here is an update though of my creative ad, I had found out yesterday that I needed to change it.

As well I finally edited 2 images from my many faces of my feet, and the big collage. 
Here they are:

Click on the images to enlarge them if you are having difficulty seeing them.
Till later.
-Photo Alley

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