Sunday, March 20, 2011

Superior Saturday and Lord Sunday

I was trying to come up with a witty title to this post and I remembered some books me and my brother have only recently finished reading. It is a series called "Keys to the Kingdom" by Garth Nix. It is really a great series, it starts with Mister Monday, then there is Grim Tuesday, Drowned Wednesday, Sir Thursday, Lady Friday, Superior Saturday, Lord Sunday.
See I figured it was the weekend and this title just worked, actually a title like that would work for and day of the week ending in day due to the fact that there is a book for each day. Anyways this series is about a boy who enters what is like another dimension and ends up becoming something like a chosen one and has to save this new world. I liked it because well I like a well written fiction novel and that's what these are, but it has tie ins with Greek Mythology, Christianity and well Fantasy. It was a very interesting story and whether your 8 or 88 I think everyone would find something in each of the books.
It's like they always say you have to keep the kid inside alive.

However this was not what this post was originally about, this post originally going to be an apology about why I haven't posted anything since my portfolio images, well to put it lightly I've been tired.
Exhausted really. I wake up in the morning and immediately want to go back to bed, I take a nap that is suppose to last an hour or so and wake up 10 hours later. Weird right? Yes definitely, I have been feeling fairly good lately, with of course a few minor mishaps here and there in the gluten department but overall good. Until recently, it actually started on Tuesday. I had been tired the week before and Monday but thought it was just me being over worked from the program, you know last minute shoots, editing final images etc. etc. However by Tuesday I didn't need to get up early so I slept in and when my alarm went off I shut it off and went back to bed. I woke up somewhere around 1just before my roommate came home and felt a little stuffy and stale, like when you stay inside for too long, so when my roommate came home I asked if she wanted to go shopping. It was great fresh air was going to do the trick, well really it just tired me out even more, so when we got back I thought hey I'll just take a small nap and then get up to watch some shows later on, I woke up around 10 that night to eat a small dinner, I wasn't really hungry and went straight back to bed. The next morning I had an early class so I didn't want to continue to stay up and through my sleep pattern even more. Well my alarm I am guessing went off but my body went "Uh un, no way I'm not getting up yet, I was awaken by my phone buzzing. I freaked out and hurried to get ready to make it to the school no later then I had to. Sleep fog was with me all day but I persevered and stayed at the school, I then did some test printing and went home finally. From there I continued to force myself to stay awake there was this show "Off the Map" on and I really like it so I wanted to watch it. Again I was barely hungry so I only ate a small dinner and after the show was over went to bed. The next day I managed to get up and go to class on time, I even finished printing. Then Friday through my what should have been well rested mind I came into the school to drop of some equipment that will be due this week coming up. And stayed to chat with the busy student workers. Came home and of course napped yet again, Saturday I managed to make it to the school for 9 for a photo shoot I was modeling for and made it home to yes once again sleep, there were 2 movies on later that I wanted to watch. my 3 hour nap became 6. Today again I made it to the school for 9 to help some friends and try and get opinions on the flow of my portfolio, again still tired.
By this time I was getting worried, who is exhausted for a whole week unless they have mono, and knock on wood, I'm pretty sure I don't have that. I came home, went back out again realizing that my unforgiving brain had forgotten some of my computer gear at the school and milk. So back again I went and came home with tacos.. mmmm tacos.... but it wasn't late enough for dinner, so I had a snack and came into my room planning on napping once again only to watch a movie through weary eyes that didn't want to close. So now here I sit not hungry still (the tacos are waiting till tomorrow) and still tired but un able to sleep. I also just got off the phone and I believe my mother is a genius without her we may not have realized what may be causing all this drowsiness.
See before I self diagnosed as celiac I went for my one and only set of blood work test, you know the one where they don't really check anything but blood count, iron and a few vitamin things, something that would maybe register a deficiency or diabetes. Well that test did show a deficiency, a B12 one plus a minor case of low iron, hopefully easily fixed with more intake on the red meat side. Good old beef, not something I like to cook myself, but will readily eat when others do. Well as many sufferers of celiac know a deficiency comes with the territory along with many other symptoms that clicked in later after much discussion with fellow friends of the lifestyle. As well anyone who has a deficiency knows that they have to stay on top of it. Well I take my B12 every day in pill form, making sure that it is all good but something I have been neglecting these past few weeks is my red meat intake. I've been so lazy I haven't wanted to prepare my own meals all that much and I when I have it usually hasn't been beef.
Voila, the reason behind the tiredness, or I hope so anyways, we will see in the days to come. I'm going to go talk to my pharmacist and have my tacos tomorrow and plan some beef like dinners for the weeks to come. Something so small as missing a red meat meal a week could take me into this tired mess again and though my body still feels pretty good in the tummy section the rest of my body is craving the sleep that low iron makes you want. So in a few days I will hopefully be less tired and more myself again, taking tons of pictures of my day to day life.
I'll report back in a few days to let you know the progress, sometimes I feel like a guinea pig and others I'm just glad that these test are working.
Enjoy your final hours of the weekend and live through the week with a smile on your face, remembering that the next weekend is only 5 days away.
-Photo Alley

p.s. I can't wait for the green trees and the smell of flowers in the air

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