Thursday, March 31, 2011

Go a Head and Laugh

Hey Hey,
So remember way back when I showed you all my beaded guys and mentioned that they had been based of a picture I had found on google but couldn't find again.... well I finally found it again.
The creature was called Mr.Funny
I ordered the pattern and have started him, actually I am all but finished him because I needed bigger eyes but had none here and couldn't find bigger ones in the area so I got my mom to buy some and when I go home next I'll be finishing him off. So stay tuned for that post. Anyways the making of the pattern wasn't too bad the only part I had troubles with were the eye/ eye lids... it appeared that there were stitches that the writer had coming out of no where and then they would jump back to normal, so needless to say I hope I did the eyes right, they seem to be proper but I won't know till I sew them on.
As well the assembly for the head was a bit strange and I had a bit of difficulty figuring that part out, finally got it working but I wouldn't recommend this pattern for the beginner, maybe get a few patterns under you belt and then away you go... That or it may just have been me, when I noticed there were many instructions on assembly I expected many more pictures with much more detail, I did however get it done so, if you want to try it out you should... he is adorable.
To see pictures of him and to order him go HERE or HERE.
I hope you enjoy.
And I will try and get back to you all soon.
-Photo Alley

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