Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines

The pressure is on now. There is but month left to do all my assignments and print. I recently got news that I would have to get a root canal again on the same tooth as before and they want to do this as soon as possible. This then brought on a mini panic attack. I started to think about what assignments were left when they had to get done, when would I get time to print? What if I have to re shoot? I'm behind already. This is what raced through my mind as I sat in the dentist office planning when my appointment would be. The end of the month, the time my preliminary portfolio is due, the crunch time. Today though even though the thought is back there nagging at my sleep deprived brain I feel oddly calm. The worrying is there but not there and I feel I can do this now. Yes the deadlines are looming but I have a plan and I have a schedule. If all goes according to plan I will be off to that root canal with no extra work to do.
As it stands there are 2 photo shoots to do and 2 re shoots or possible re shoots, plus printing but like I said I am oddly calm and I haven't even crocheted anything in weeks. This is strange but interesting. And when this portfolio is done I will be off on a Christmas holiday, but is it really a holiday? In a way yes but at the same time no, I will be doing my coop placement over the break and therefore more work, so I think to myself these days when will I have time to quilt those new patterns I have designed. I may just have to hijack my mother's quilting machine for the few weeks that I will be in the house so that atleast the tops will get done.
I hope you all have a wonderful week, and remember relaxation is key.
-Photo Alley

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