Sunday, November 28, 2010

Girls Weekend

This weekend was a great weekend, I went to spend it in Guelph with my mom and sister for our now annual "Girl's Weekend" which started when my mom had turned 50. I would say this was one of the best weekends, we started it on a Friday.
Friday we went to the theater in St.Jacob's in Kitchner to see the pantomime of Peter Pan. It was quite amazing and the first piece of theater I have seen in about a year and a half, pretty much since graduating from my theater program, which I am ashamed to say is a very long time to me. But I hope to go to many more in the future and keep myself thoroughly entertained with live performance. Anyway the cast did amazing as I said and the singing was great. The actors phenomenal, and I'm not sure if any of you remember "The Big Comfy Couch" which was a children's show when I was younger, but Major Bedhead was playing Smee in the play. Both me and my sister couldn't place his voice but it was sooo very familiar and then someone in our group of people that we went with mention he was from some children's show and it just clicked. Then because we had an inside man on the crew after the show was done and the cast was finished in the dressing room we were able to have a backstage tour. Quite the little set up to say the least. And again so much fun.
Then the following day we went to St. Jacob's market in the Mennonite community and found quite a large selection of gluten free products. Now the it wasn't the whole place and some of the stuff we have tried from buying there wasn't the greatest but there were some good food and the was a much larger selection then some main stream grocery stores. If you get a chance I would say go check it out even if your not going to buy anything it's a great experience. A little busy though
Have a wonderful week and I'll try to post some pictures in the coming days.
-Photo Alley

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