Monday, November 8, 2010

Lovely Weekend

As I promised here are the photo's I like from this weekend (warning: tons of photos to come)I absolutely love these images of the water. The anchor is also my favourite of the whole day,
I just love the sun rays coming through the trees.
These images just seem peaceful but if you look closely there are
storm clouds in the distance.
These ones are quite beautiful to me as well. I was getting ready to leave
the one spot when I saw the rosary hanging above the one grave and it was just so.
The angels though beautiful are also a little creepy to me,
very gothic. They remind me of an episode of "Doctor Who" where
the angels are actually evil. And lastly is the father grave. This grave
actually almost made me cry to think that that is all there is to identify the
And then we came home to this amazing sunrise. I know my picture
doesn't do it justice but I'm sure you can picture the
splendor of it. It was a perfect rainbow of colours,
from red straight through yellow to blue.

There you go those are my images from this weekend. It was definitely a long day and very cold, by the end I couldn't feel my fingers. I personally love the water and hate graveyards but this day was quite a nice day. The cemetery was still creepy to me, maybe a little too serene but all in all I got my photo shoots for my open portfolio assignment done and that was all that matter that day.
My advice to you: never don't do a photo shoot cause the location isn't somewhere you would normally shoot. The whole thing about this year for me is doing things I normally don't do, like people shots.
-Photo Alley

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