Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Spice Cake

I said I would reblog about that quickly made up spice cake after if truly cooled. Well it still tasted eggy and was very dry, I mean very dry. I don't know about the dryness but I bet if I used real raw cane sugar and the proper amount of cinnamon it would not taste so much egg but I still liked it. It went very well with nutella spread on top. However I am not sure why it was soooo dry, it may be because my house is dry or the good old winter chill is making the air dry. No idea but I suggest eating it probably a little warm or at room temperature because when I had it then it was not so dry.

I have planned for either later this week or in a weeks to come, to bake a lot more. And when I do I'll make sure to post here first with my thoughts and comments and the book the recipe came from.
Hang in there Gluten free eaters, there are good recipes out there it just takes some digging and I'm willing to do it.
-Photo Alley

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