Monday, November 15, 2010

Quick Cake

I came home today after having a stressful week and thought to myself I want to bake something. I originally wanted to make a crumpet or something like a roll, I realized I didn't have the right ingredients so hopefully tomorrow that will be what I make. As for what I baked. I made a cake. It was the Cinnamon Marble cake from "Gluten Free French Desserts and Baked Goods" by Valerie Cupillard. I would say it was very fast. I was able to prepare the ingredients in about 10 maybe 15 minutes and then it was 30 minutes in the oven and voila it was done. I then let it cool because as many of you know quite a few gluten free baked goods do not taste good when warm. So I let it cool for about 20 or 30 minutes somewhere in there and then took a slice. It was still a little warm but fairly good. I did however realize that I had made part of the recipe wrong, it had asked for a tablespoon of cinnamon and I put a teaspoon there for the taste was probably not quite as strong as it normally would be but I liked it. I little eggy though. As well I used brown sugar instead of raw cane sugar, whether those are the same thing or not I am not sure but it doesn't seem to have effected the baking all that much. So I will let you know if it tastes better when it cools later tonight. As well many people would put icing on a cake or dunk in coffee I do neither, if you get a chance I would suggest trying the recipe. The only other thing I have to say about the making of the cake, it says to put the second half of the cake mix with the cinnamon plopped on top and then mixed with a knife to make the swirls, i found this looked messy and it didn't flatten so I swirled with a fork and then flattened the top out smooth.
I will leave you with the two pictures I took.-Photo Alley

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