Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thai cuisine

I forgot to mention also that on my trip to Guelph that we went to a restaurant called "Ben Thanh". Which is a thai food restaurant. And man was it ever delicious. We called in advance to make sure that there would be something there for me to eat and they mentioned that yes there were plenty of meals I could have that were either naturally gluten free or could be made gluten free. Therefore we went to this restaurant. Stepping in to the place was a bit awe inspired because it was slightly on the fancier looking side. We had a party of 5 adults and a baby, so they sat us at a round table instead of a booth. This was particularly one of the things I liked best because it was easier to include everyone in any given conversation we were having. At looking at the menu I got a little worried because you know when you go to those asian inspired restaurants and they say rice paper but it's the rice paper made with flour or the noodles that shouldn't have flour but do. Well We asked the waitress and ended up ordering 2 types of rolls one was a shrimp roll with whole shrimp in it and the other a beef one, they were not fried so I didn't have to worry whether it was fried in the same oil as everything else, and they came with a delicious spicy peanut sauce. The people who were in my company ordered smoothies which were delicious according to them, I did not get one but I heard you could get them made without milk and therefore could be dairy free. I instead though had the green tea which was one of the best green teas I've had and it was served in a cast iron teapot, heavy as all else but still amazing looking, that kept the tea warm through out the whole dinner. And I ordered a shrimp with asparagus and snow pea stirfry with garlic sauce, no soy sauce. It was fabulous. The shrimp were cooked correctly, they were just right. I mean I've had shrimp in a lot of places and they are usually, almost always over cooked and therefore a little chewy or even sometimes a bit on the tough side but not these ones. I would have to say they are the best shrimp I have ever had at a restaurant. I ate almost everything in front of me. As well they didn't skimp on anything. I've gone to places were it's suppose to be a shrimp stirfry and they will give you something like 5 or less shrimp, this place had upwards of 10 in my bowl... I just kept finding more. As well my sister and mom had a pork vermicelli noodle dish of some sort and it was piled high with pork pieces, my sister's dish also came with I think it was something like 5 or 6 shrimp. And my one brothers pad thai was covered in chicken.
The point of this post: not only to tell you how delicious these meals were but also to say if you ever get a chance and are in Guelph you should check out this restaurant, whether your gluten free or not.
-Photo Alley

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