Monday, November 29, 2010

Stocking Stuffers and Food

As the semester winds down I find myself with an increasing amount of time. I have but a few things left to do before the end of my semester before I go away for Christmas Break and my co-op placement. So what do I do with all this time on my hands.....
I make dinner early, and I mean way early. I started my dinner at 1 this after noon shortly after getting back from school and the grocery store. Who knew I would want to start dinner so early? I'm use to the good ol' late night dinner around 7 or 8, it's actually been that way since I was younger... never truely had a set feed time. But I was hungry and my lunch idea had fallen through so I thought well I'll make this extra fried pasta sauce into a base for some simmering meat, forgetting I only had a handful of beef stew pieces that I had ordered. Typical. Therefore as it was cooking I thought I would add some potatoes and then I was like "Well I might as well cook the beets and the sweet potato now and then just have left overs later." Let me tell you sweet potatos are not to be reckoned with if you have a bad hand. I could barely cut through the beast of a veggie. But boy did it taste good when it was done. And for beets well lets just say if your having dinner at 5 start them early and I mean way early, I didn't know how long it would take for those yummy purple things to cook. I'll just say I didn't it them with the rest of my meal... or even in the same t.v. show. Overall though the meal was so filling that not only do I have leftovers for tomorrow but I also am so full I barely have the urge to snack.
As well with all this time on my hands I wanted to do something for everyone in my immediate family for Christmas. So I thought what is in-expensive and easy for me to do. Well I'm just going to say I came up with something and I'm about half way through the easy part. I might work on them some more while I watch my shows tonight, after the homework is done of course, and then it's off to the hard part. I'm not looking forward to the work but I'm looking forward to the pay off after.
Keep bright and warm this winter my friends.
-Photo Alley
P.S. after Christmas the picture of the finished stocking stuffers will be up for display.

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