Monday, November 22, 2010

Heartless and Safety Cones

I had a bit of time on my hands and well I know I said a while ago that I would try and fix Rain Proof Safety Cones hat and guess what? I did.

Here is the new and improved rain hat. I know it still isn't bright yellow but I will have to live with that because I'm sure I can't reproduce this hat exactly the same again. I like snow proof's hat did not write down the pattern. Very unlike me but I did do it anyways. However snow proof hat would probably be alot easier to replicate, and there for I may have to make hats for many other guys in different colours.

 As for the rest of the title of this post I finally got my butt into gear and made a heartless that I have been planning to make since seeing the picture of a crocheted one on deviant art.

I based this guy off of the picture of the other person's Heartless Shadow but seeing as there was no instructions I went by trial and error. I also used a picture from the game to help, you have no idea how hard it is to look up a good picture of a Heartless Shadow. I got tons of hits of google but most were the other types of Heartless from the game Kingdom of Hearts and therefore not helpful in the least. But I think I did a pretty good job. And Yes this time I did write down the pattern. Maybe later I will post it. I haven't decided yet if I will sell my patterns or give them away free on here. I bit to consider. The heart however in the image is made from a pattern I found on the net, actually the same one the guy, previously mentioned, made his heart from. And lastly I used a different type of yarn to make the eyes, and therefore if you try and make this patter by look or if I post the patter the eyes are just mentioned as yellow balls. You can make them any way you would like. I personally used a 2mm hook with thread for bracelets and 
6sc in 2nd st from hook (6)
2sc in each st around(12)
sc2tog in each st (6)

After making Snow Proof Safety Cone's hat my brother had mentioned it looked like a "Jane" hat. And actually has requested I make him one (a hat not a safety cone hat, but real size) for him. Who knows when this will come along, but since then I have been looking up patterns so I can start working on this. At first I was going to make one for my bat but couldn't figure out how to make it go over his ears and then the thought struck me when I found a different yellow from that same bracelet thread. I should make one for my "Heartless", you know make the bad guy look so much cuter. Here is the results:

Now this hat could probably be duplicated but would never turn out the same. I again used different yarn types, this time 3 different ones, the bracelet thread, a bulky washcloth type and my favourite "Red Heart Soft Touch". Now not only did I use different yarns I used 2 different needles. I have faith though that I could make something the replicates or looks better then this hat one day.

I hope you enjoy the geeky nerdness in me this week, and the Jane Cobb hat. To come: a chocobo.
-Photo Alley

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