Friday, February 25, 2011

Pizza, Pizza, Pizza

That's right pizza is the topis of this post. I'll keep it short and sweet cause it's late and I wanna sleep. Anyways my friend, mom and myself went out to dinner and a movie tonight and we thought what better and easier place to go for food then right by the theatre at a place called Boston Pizza, you may of heard of it... anyways this well known pizza place has started making a gluten free crust, now see I was a bit skeptical, all the gluten free pizza I've had so far has either been like cardboard or has been cross contaminated at places like this but I thought I would try so that we didn't have to find another restaurent and potentially get to the movies late. Boy was I surprised, and pleasantly at that. The wait staff was amazing she mentioned that even though I had already said it was an allergy that when someone orders gluten free a manager comes out to talk to the client to see if it is choice or allergy and then goes through the process of preparation. As well she went through all the appetizers with us making runs back and forth to the kitchen to find out anything she didn't already know. Ended up not being able to have an appetizer but that was okay she said they were working on getting more things on the menu because the pizza was soo poular. Anyways she was right the manager came out to talk to me about how they sanatize everything and that there is a completely separate work station and that they use completely clean utensils and what not to prepare the pizza so that there is the smallest chance of cross contamination. After that I felt quite comfortable in ordering the pizza. It was delicious like no other I have had. It was almost as good as the real thing, the dough was moist and soft and the toppings were great as well being a cheese less person on top of things they did not skimp on the sauce like most others.
I highly recommend checking them out for their pizza and hopefully soon they will have more choice on the menu for us gluten free-ers.
Till next time.
-Photo Alley

1 comment:

  1. That is great to here about Boston Pizza! I must take Roman out for a pizza treat!
