Friday, February 25, 2011

Pizza, Pizza, Pizza

That's right pizza is the topis of this post. I'll keep it short and sweet cause it's late and I wanna sleep. Anyways my friend, mom and myself went out to dinner and a movie tonight and we thought what better and easier place to go for food then right by the theatre at a place called Boston Pizza, you may of heard of it... anyways this well known pizza place has started making a gluten free crust, now see I was a bit skeptical, all the gluten free pizza I've had so far has either been like cardboard or has been cross contaminated at places like this but I thought I would try so that we didn't have to find another restaurent and potentially get to the movies late. Boy was I surprised, and pleasantly at that. The wait staff was amazing she mentioned that even though I had already said it was an allergy that when someone orders gluten free a manager comes out to talk to the client to see if it is choice or allergy and then goes through the process of preparation. As well she went through all the appetizers with us making runs back and forth to the kitchen to find out anything she didn't already know. Ended up not being able to have an appetizer but that was okay she said they were working on getting more things on the menu because the pizza was soo poular. Anyways she was right the manager came out to talk to me about how they sanatize everything and that there is a completely separate work station and that they use completely clean utensils and what not to prepare the pizza so that there is the smallest chance of cross contamination. After that I felt quite comfortable in ordering the pizza. It was delicious like no other I have had. It was almost as good as the real thing, the dough was moist and soft and the toppings were great as well being a cheese less person on top of things they did not skimp on the sauce like most others.
I highly recommend checking them out for their pizza and hopefully soon they will have more choice on the menu for us gluten free-ers.
Till next time.
-Photo Alley

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gods of Love

So I am finally on reading week, but no I am not feeling better yet. I'm hoping it doesn't last much longer because I will be going home and my sister, brother in law and niece are visiting, no one wants to get their family sick. That includes my parents, other siblings, pets you know the whole shibang of people that will be there. Anyways I thought I would post some of the images from the past 3 shoots I have done.
I warn you they are un edited because of my being sick but hopefully I can remedy that this week.
A little back story, these three are playing Gods of love. One being Eros the god of love, more commonly known as Cupid. He is for my magazine cover. One being the God of sweet talking and flirting, as well as the God of Sexual Desire. These images are going to be companion images to my magazine cover, think of it as being a spread that would end up in the magazine. And lastly the other being Aphrodite, to go along with my creative ad.
The guy playing the part of the God of sexual desire, has 3 outfits because I actually had him playing multiple parts due to the fact I wasn't sure which one I was going to be using. I think I might do a layout spread.
Now for your much awaited time, here are the images.

This is the one I am using in the magazine cover, it worked best with the layout.

Introducing Yannick as Eros

This would be my favourite one.

Introducing Jared as Himeros, Thanatos and Hedylogos

And this is my favourite one of these ones

And lastly Greer as Aphrodite.
I hope you enjoy.
-Photo Alley

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sickness Prevails

Hey Y'all,
So today is day 4 of this flu/cold thing I got on Valentine's Day. I must say it ain't seeming to get better, one thing does and another emerges. I got rid of the sore throat and gained a cough that makes me sound like I've been smoking 3 packs a day for a lifetime. I got rid of the head ache and got a head that feels like I'm under water, that includes the plugged ears. I also gained aches and pains and a very very runny nose that now kinda looks like Rudolph's.
Now sometimes sick days can be good, see you feel horrible but atleast you can get things done, well not me. For 4 days I have been stuck in my bed, that is except for today. I ran out of my supply of kleenex and food and needed to take a trip to the grocery store, so braving the horrible gut wrenching in my stomach I got ready for class. See I couldn't justify to myself going to the grocery store and not going to class, they are right across from each other. How could I in my right mind be able to make it to the store and not the class room. So I went to class... that is for about an hour when I just couldn't stand it anymore. I got up left went to the grocery store picked up the much needed kleenex and food, plus a stop at to see the pharmacist and I am home in bed once again, unable to do anything due to the foggy head. I had wanted to edit pictures but my eyes are so tired I can't concentrate on a computer screen, I wanted to finish the binding on my 2 quilts, yes I know... still not done, but my arms ache and my fingers are cold. I wanted to finally finish my Snorlax, he can't truly take that long, but I have no desire to lift my head up. I am even writing this blog from my bed that is how horrible I feel.
I can't even feel the heat in my room and my heater is at full blast. I hope to all hope that this goes away, see I have a class tomorrow and seeing as I have missed 2 days already I kinda want to go to atleast one before our reading week. As well I have a photoshoot tomorrow that I would like to finish before I go on reading week so that over the break I can edit my photos and come back ready to finish off the last 2 assignments and then print. That's right coming very close to the end of the semester and I have barely edited anything from lack of time and this horrible sickness. This week I was going to hunker down and do nothing but edit, that clearly has not happened. Therefore I may try after a nap, or some more advil. Till then I leave you with this post and hope you all stay feeling well.
-Photo Alley

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day- Single or not?

Hey y'all,
Today if you hadn't noticed was Valentine's Day, a day I actually have never truly liked, yes I love chocolate and yes I love flowers but no I do not like one specific day where it seems that is the only day to do this. As well it seems a day geared towards couples and not single people at all. Being single and having many single friends we decided to wish each other a Happy Single's Day... that is right if your single but you love all the chocolate and flowers, treat yourself to Single's Day.
As well this day in particular didn't seem as bad as other Valentine's Days excluding the fact that I have the flu and have had to stay inside pretty much all day except to return equipment.
I slept quite a bit trying to rest up, went to my favourite blog du jour Gluten Free Girl and the Chef and today's blog post was about Valentine's Day and love stories. they told one and asked that their readers also tell their stories either in the comment section or in their own blogs, well being a total sap and a closet romantic I loved all the stories that people shared and it made me think of how blessed I am to have the family I have and the love that I feel on a regular basis from friends and family, even from my pets. These stories were of course mostly about the couples and getting married but some were about the pets and the kids and the family, of friends and of loved ones of all ages. It was beautiful so I ask you all to think of someone that loves you and know that love doesn't mean you have to be a couple but you could be single.
As well my day went better from there when I was talking to a friend who showed me a new music site to check out and told me all these new bands to look up. I do love friends that can introduce you to new things and therefore this Valentine's day I may be celebrating Single's Day but I am sharing my love with all my friends and wishing them a wonderful night.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
-Photo Alley

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Many Faces Of My Feet

Before I get to the topic of this post, I was just talking to my brother, who is also gluten free. And right now he's down in the states for a visit and said the gluten free selection down there is soo much more then the ones up here. As well he said that his bread and cereal which normal cost us 6 bucks for each thing approximately only cost him 6 total there. I feel quite jealous right now, so I may have to visit the states and see what other gluten free wonders I might find.
I also got to help out a gluten free newbie the other day. It felt quite nice to feel like I could help someone out in a hard time. I was at Walmart doing some shopping and thought I would just grab some groceries there so I didn't have to make 2 trips in the freezing cold. I went into a gluten free section to grab some ginger snap cookies by del something and some new cookies from "PaneRiso" foods when a lady asked if I was the cookies tasted good. So I said yup and she was like oh good I've only been on the gluten free diet for 2 weeks. I thought to myself how hard it was for me to start out with no one to really help so I gave her a low down of what I had learned so far and which foods so far that I liked. It was pretty awesome to help her out.

No as for the post to the title, I finally finished taking all the pictures for my self portrait "the many faces of my feet" and I thought I would share the untouched images. (**** be for warned this is a picture heavy post****)

As well today I shot another image for my portfolio and yesterday I shot my magazine cover. So this means 5 more images to shoot and I am done the shooting part. All these photo shoots are finally coming together, I just hope the digital work does as well.
I'll leave you know with the these images so I can edit. Once I'm finished the final will go up.
-Photo Alley

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Little Photo Shoot, A Little Joy

Hey all,
I got home today with some equipment from our ER (Equipment Room) for my magazine photo shoot and an open shoot this weekend and thought to myself this would be a great time to work on my project "The Many Faces Of My Feet". See I've been putting it off because of being tired from all the photo shoots I've been doing. It seems like my weekends are no longer weekends but photo shoots non stop. Never a break and never any personal work. As well I have seen my perfume bottle on my night stand every night and the light just looks amazing on it. So I also did some test shots with it.
See my room is the perfect studio almost because when the lights are out it is pitch black. I mean can't see my hand in front of my face dark. I needed this especially today because I didn't have the proper cord for an SB flash to sync to the camera... I am hoping to get one tomorrow for the rest of the weekend. So I started with the  feet pictures and here are a few samples... unedited...
(I got these in the States)

(These ones were bought for a play I was in)
(this one just looked neat)

After these shot I realized I would need to cord for the rest of the images I would like to do and therefore I started taking pictures of the other objects in my room.
(my perfume bottle, this is lit with a maglite)

(The 3 objects I like to carry with me almost always...
a heart my mom gave me, a rock that I liked and was still at the
store after a couple weeks, and my YES/NO coin...
that's right it is double sided)

(my small applekin with my guitar key)

(good ole' dark chocolate... the percent was called Peru)

(and lastly a fake oreo... it is the gluten free store bought copy...
not called oreo, but rather chocolate cookie dessert)

I hope you enjoy the images. I definitely had a fun time doing this, especially lighting the second set with what was on hand... the flash was too strong...
As for an update on school, my movie poster is almost done. I just have to finish a couple retouching bits on the costume and add a few logos, then when I get the chance I am going to try and turn the people cartoonish. I also re shot my food like I said before, all I have to do is edit the work and put it into my layout. I am quite excited to see how that one looks after, I was very happy with the results. As well like I said I have tons of photo shoots to do. As much as it is tiresome I am actually enjoying it because I have something to shoot which keeps the creative juices stimulated. I am very excited for this weekends shoots and next weeks... I think my portfolio images are coming along nicely.
I shall leave you know to do more work, I will hopefully post my fashion images from a workshop we did recently soon, I'm pretty impressed with the end results.