Friday, February 11, 2011

A Little Photo Shoot, A Little Joy

Hey all,
I got home today with some equipment from our ER (Equipment Room) for my magazine photo shoot and an open shoot this weekend and thought to myself this would be a great time to work on my project "The Many Faces Of My Feet". See I've been putting it off because of being tired from all the photo shoots I've been doing. It seems like my weekends are no longer weekends but photo shoots non stop. Never a break and never any personal work. As well I have seen my perfume bottle on my night stand every night and the light just looks amazing on it. So I also did some test shots with it.
See my room is the perfect studio almost because when the lights are out it is pitch black. I mean can't see my hand in front of my face dark. I needed this especially today because I didn't have the proper cord for an SB flash to sync to the camera... I am hoping to get one tomorrow for the rest of the weekend. So I started with the  feet pictures and here are a few samples... unedited...
(I got these in the States)

(These ones were bought for a play I was in)
(this one just looked neat)

After these shot I realized I would need to cord for the rest of the images I would like to do and therefore I started taking pictures of the other objects in my room.
(my perfume bottle, this is lit with a maglite)

(The 3 objects I like to carry with me almost always...
a heart my mom gave me, a rock that I liked and was still at the
store after a couple weeks, and my YES/NO coin...
that's right it is double sided)

(my small applekin with my guitar key)

(good ole' dark chocolate... the percent was called Peru)

(and lastly a fake oreo... it is the gluten free store bought copy...
not called oreo, but rather chocolate cookie dessert)

I hope you enjoy the images. I definitely had a fun time doing this, especially lighting the second set with what was on hand... the flash was too strong...
As for an update on school, my movie poster is almost done. I just have to finish a couple retouching bits on the costume and add a few logos, then when I get the chance I am going to try and turn the people cartoonish. I also re shot my food like I said before, all I have to do is edit the work and put it into my layout. I am quite excited to see how that one looks after, I was very happy with the results. As well like I said I have tons of photo shoots to do. As much as it is tiresome I am actually enjoying it because I have something to shoot which keeps the creative juices stimulated. I am very excited for this weekends shoots and next weeks... I think my portfolio images are coming along nicely.
I shall leave you know to do more work, I will hopefully post my fashion images from a workshop we did recently soon, I'm pretty impressed with the end results.

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