Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day- Single or not?

Hey y'all,
Today if you hadn't noticed was Valentine's Day, a day I actually have never truly liked, yes I love chocolate and yes I love flowers but no I do not like one specific day where it seems that is the only day to do this. As well it seems a day geared towards couples and not single people at all. Being single and having many single friends we decided to wish each other a Happy Single's Day... that is right if your single but you love all the chocolate and flowers, treat yourself to Single's Day.
As well this day in particular didn't seem as bad as other Valentine's Days excluding the fact that I have the flu and have had to stay inside pretty much all day except to return equipment.
I slept quite a bit trying to rest up, went to my favourite blog du jour Gluten Free Girl and the Chef and today's blog post was about Valentine's Day and love stories. they told one and asked that their readers also tell their stories either in the comment section or in their own blogs, well being a total sap and a closet romantic I loved all the stories that people shared and it made me think of how blessed I am to have the family I have and the love that I feel on a regular basis from friends and family, even from my pets. These stories were of course mostly about the couples and getting married but some were about the pets and the kids and the family, of friends and of loved ones of all ages. It was beautiful so I ask you all to think of someone that loves you and know that love doesn't mean you have to be a couple but you could be single.
As well my day went better from there when I was talking to a friend who showed me a new music site to check out and told me all these new bands to look up. I do love friends that can introduce you to new things and therefore this Valentine's day I may be celebrating Single's Day but I am sharing my love with all my friends and wishing them a wonderful night.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
-Photo Alley

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