Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sickness Prevails

Hey Y'all,
So today is day 4 of this flu/cold thing I got on Valentine's Day. I must say it ain't seeming to get better, one thing does and another emerges. I got rid of the sore throat and gained a cough that makes me sound like I've been smoking 3 packs a day for a lifetime. I got rid of the head ache and got a head that feels like I'm under water, that includes the plugged ears. I also gained aches and pains and a very very runny nose that now kinda looks like Rudolph's.
Now sometimes sick days can be good, see you feel horrible but atleast you can get things done, well not me. For 4 days I have been stuck in my bed, that is except for today. I ran out of my supply of kleenex and food and needed to take a trip to the grocery store, so braving the horrible gut wrenching in my stomach I got ready for class. See I couldn't justify to myself going to the grocery store and not going to class, they are right across from each other. How could I in my right mind be able to make it to the store and not the class room. So I went to class... that is for about an hour when I just couldn't stand it anymore. I got up left went to the grocery store picked up the much needed kleenex and food, plus a stop at to see the pharmacist and I am home in bed once again, unable to do anything due to the foggy head. I had wanted to edit pictures but my eyes are so tired I can't concentrate on a computer screen, I wanted to finish the binding on my 2 quilts, yes I know... still not done, but my arms ache and my fingers are cold. I wanted to finally finish my Snorlax, he can't truly take that long, but I have no desire to lift my head up. I am even writing this blog from my bed that is how horrible I feel.
I can't even feel the heat in my room and my heater is at full blast. I hope to all hope that this goes away, see I have a class tomorrow and seeing as I have missed 2 days already I kinda want to go to atleast one before our reading week. As well I have a photoshoot tomorrow that I would like to finish before I go on reading week so that over the break I can edit my photos and come back ready to finish off the last 2 assignments and then print. That's right coming very close to the end of the semester and I have barely edited anything from lack of time and this horrible sickness. This week I was going to hunker down and do nothing but edit, that clearly has not happened. Therefore I may try after a nap, or some more advil. Till then I leave you with this post and hope you all stay feeling well.
-Photo Alley

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