Monday, February 7, 2011

Winter Wonderland

*****I warn in advance that this is going to be full of pictures....Enjoy*****

I went to Winterlude today to check out the finished sculptures that professionals do. I snapped some quick photos of them with my point and shoot and so I thought I would share them with you because the sculptures were sooo awesome. I wonder who will win.

The last two images are just sculptures that were around the park. I was hoping the small sculptures that they do every year would still be there for me to grab a picture of but however they weren't, I'm not sure if maybe they were vandalized or if maybe they melted. Either way I remember how well they were done and hope that either you had a chance to see them or from the sculptures above can think on how well they must have been.

I also have some more images I would like to share with you that I took in the past couple of days.
This image I took while still in my old room while I was playing with some settings on my small point and shoot camera. I think it turned out quite nice, you might not be able to tell but the setting was leaving just one colour in the image and desaturating everything else.

This is the chocolate cake from the book "Cooking for Isiah". This is the one I tried, it tasted good but not as good as the one my mom made for me. It may have had something to do with the fact that I didn't have enough vanilla extract as it called for..... just maybe.
The following images were images I took one day when I thought to myself I'm not taking enough pictures,I see everybody in my program coming out with new images every day, I got to too. So I took my camera and I started snapping pictures around my room. It was a bit difficult because it was in the midst of me packing my one room to move to the other and therefore there was no room for my tripod or anything else really. I liked these few the best.

And lastly here are a few images from this past weekends photo shoots. These are not going into my portfolio I don't think, but they are from the shoots of the images that will. I haven't had the chance to really go through my images from this past weekend so I'm not sure which ones yet will be in my portfolio.

We just had a workshop with some models from a local agency and now I have to go through the images and edit one from each model, but not only that I have to edit my portfolio images and create a website. A photographer's work is never done you see... and I think to myself when will I have the time to take more images for myself, finish the binding on my quilts, make my creamsicle snorlax... not to mention everything else I want to do. Oh well I'll leave you with this photo explosion for now and get back to my real work of editing on my images, and doing homework. 
Enjoy the rest of your week.
-Photo Alley

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