Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gods of Love

So I am finally on reading week, but no I am not feeling better yet. I'm hoping it doesn't last much longer because I will be going home and my sister, brother in law and niece are visiting, no one wants to get their family sick. That includes my parents, other siblings, pets you know the whole shibang of people that will be there. Anyways I thought I would post some of the images from the past 3 shoots I have done.
I warn you they are un edited because of my being sick but hopefully I can remedy that this week.
A little back story, these three are playing Gods of love. One being Eros the god of love, more commonly known as Cupid. He is for my magazine cover. One being the God of sweet talking and flirting, as well as the God of Sexual Desire. These images are going to be companion images to my magazine cover, think of it as being a spread that would end up in the magazine. And lastly the other being Aphrodite, to go along with my creative ad.
The guy playing the part of the God of sexual desire, has 3 outfits because I actually had him playing multiple parts due to the fact I wasn't sure which one I was going to be using. I think I might do a layout spread.
Now for your much awaited time, here are the images.

This is the one I am using in the magazine cover, it worked best with the layout.

Introducing Yannick as Eros

This would be my favourite one.

Introducing Jared as Himeros, Thanatos and Hedylogos

And this is my favourite one of these ones

And lastly Greer as Aphrodite.
I hope you enjoy.
-Photo Alley

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