Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Many Faces Of My Feet

Before I get to the topic of this post, I was just talking to my brother, who is also gluten free. And right now he's down in the states for a visit and said the gluten free selection down there is soo much more then the ones up here. As well he said that his bread and cereal which normal cost us 6 bucks for each thing approximately only cost him 6 total there. I feel quite jealous right now, so I may have to visit the states and see what other gluten free wonders I might find.
I also got to help out a gluten free newbie the other day. It felt quite nice to feel like I could help someone out in a hard time. I was at Walmart doing some shopping and thought I would just grab some groceries there so I didn't have to make 2 trips in the freezing cold. I went into a gluten free section to grab some ginger snap cookies by del something and some new cookies from "PaneRiso" foods when a lady asked if I was the cookies tasted good. So I said yup and she was like oh good I've only been on the gluten free diet for 2 weeks. I thought to myself how hard it was for me to start out with no one to really help so I gave her a low down of what I had learned so far and which foods so far that I liked. It was pretty awesome to help her out.

No as for the post to the title, I finally finished taking all the pictures for my self portrait "the many faces of my feet" and I thought I would share the untouched images. (**** be for warned this is a picture heavy post****)

As well today I shot another image for my portfolio and yesterday I shot my magazine cover. So this means 5 more images to shoot and I am done the shooting part. All these photo shoots are finally coming together, I just hope the digital work does as well.
I'll leave you know with the these images so I can edit. Once I'm finished the final will go up.
-Photo Alley

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